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We Had Each Other That's How We Won 



You will complete the Renegade Ruck Challenge. Try to keep your pace to 15–20 minutes per mile.


Complete 8 rounds of:

10 push-up renegade rows (5 each side)

50-foot farmer carry

0.25-mile ruck


We're a Little Different

True North Endurance Rucking Challenges have the same theme all year. Yep, your patch is part of an annual theme that continues all year long - like the gift that keeps giving.





What You Get

Monthly giveaways for subscribers!

We've teamed up with incredible companies, like Ruckstrap - the ultimate rucking accessory that will revolutionize your rucking experience and MudGear who makes gear and apparel to support your racing, training and outdoor adventures. Each month, lucky subscribers will win prizes like The Original Ruckstrap, and special MudGear rucking socks. We're giving away over $100 in prizes every month, PLUS a quarterly giveaway and discount codes from Chucked Wood!

Subscribers Also Get

Monthly patch and challenge

Monthly Facebook virtual rucking calls

Exclusive discounts

Exclusive bonus content and other surprises

Exclusive Trailblazers Facebook Group

Q&A sessions with hard-core ruckers

Input into upcoming rucking themes

A tribe of supportive, ruck-loving individuals


November Challenge


Lando Calrissian is the renegade the world fell in love with. Although he joined the fight against the Empire later than others, his critical role in destroying the second Death Star cemented his legacy as a hero. In his younger years, Lando was an adventurer seeking fortune at the sabacc tables. After losing his treasured ship to Han Solo, he spent years indulging in a lavish lifestyle and chasing get-rich-quick schemes with varying success. He became somewhat respectable as the baron administrator of Cloud City but was eventually drawn into the conflict against the Empire. Following a personal tragedy, Lando sought solitude on Pasaana, unaware that the galaxy would need him once more. He remained with the rebel forces, serving as a general in the starfighter assault on the second Death Star. Han lent him the Millennium Falcon for this dangerous mission, where Lando showcased his exceptional piloting skills by guiding the freighter into the Death Star's superstructure to reach the main reactor. He fired proton torpedoes into the reactor and raced out of the station's core just before it exploded, breaking the Empire's hold on the galaxy.**

Groups/Ruck Clubs

Get your custom details

The Details

Honoring the renegade in Lando, you will complete the Renegade Ruck Challenge. Try to keep your pace to 15–20 minutes per mile.

Complete 8 rounds of:

10 push-up renegade rows (5 each side)

50-foot farmer carry

0.25-mile ruck​



The choice is yours. If you're new, start with a lower weight, like 5 to 10 pounds.

New Ruckers:

Go with a lighter weight or no weight at all.​ Focus on your form instead of heavier weight. If you're moving slower than 20 minutes per mile, reduce the weight you're carrying.

Experienced Ruckers:

Double the number of rounds.

Groups/Ruck Clubs


Make the monthly challenge even more enjoyable by doing it together, as a group or club! It's always more fun when you're sharing the experience with others.

Bulk pricing for group or ruck clubs is available. Check out our FAQs to learn more.

We have special options for group or Ruck Club Leaders. Email us to find out more!

Group/Club Challenge

Group/Ruck Clubs:

Split into 2 teams and compete to see who can finish first!



Options for Everyone



No Fuss Monthly Registration!

Monthly Patch Mailed to You!

Monthly prize drawings!

Groups/Ruck Clubs


Discounted Monthly Registration!*

Monthly Patches Mailed to You for the Group!

Monthly prize drawings!

Single Challenge


August Challenge Registration Fee

November Patch Mailed to You


*Monthly subscription price is based on a minimum number of 12 subscribers from a group or ruck club. Patches are mailed to the group or Ruck Club Leader to hand out (refer to the FAQ section for more information).


Upon registration, you consent to receiving emails about this and other Monthly Ruck Challenges. Rest assured, we won't trade or sell your email or send you spam mail - that's not our style. You can opt-out from this mailing list whenever you like. Subscription fees of $10 for the Monthly Rucking Challenge  will be automatically renewed every month, aligned with your sign-up date. Should you decide to, you're free to terminate your subscription at any point (refer to the FAQ section for more information).



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