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I am your father.



Tap into your inner Dark Side, this is a more challenging ruck. Did you expect Vader to let you off the hook?

2 mile ruck

1 minute plank

20 squats

20 walking lunges (each leg)

1 minute plank

2 mile ruck


We're a Little Different

True North Endurance Rucking Challenges have the same theme all year. Yep, your patch is part of an annual theme that continues all year long - like the gift that keeps giving.





What You Get

Monthly giveaways for subscribers!

We've teamed up with incredible companies, like Ruckstrap - the ultimate rucking accessory that will revolutionize your rucking experience and MudGear who makes gear and apparel to support your racing, training and outdoor adventures. Each month, lucky subscribers will win prizes like The Original Ruckstrap, and special MudGear rucking socks. We're giving away over $100 in prizes every month, PLUS a quarterly giveaway and discount codes from Chucked Wood!

Subscribers Also Get

Monthly patch and challenge

Monthly Facebook virtual rucking calls

Exclusive discounts

Exclusive bonus content and other surprises

Exclusive Trailblazers Facebook Group

Q&A sessions with hard-core ruckers

Input into upcoming rucking themes

A tribe of supportive, ruck-loving individuals


June Challenge


Luke Skywalker, pursuing an uncertain future, duels Darth Vader in Cloud City, believing him to be his father's killer. After Luke loses his hand, Vader attempts to lure him with promises of ruling together and then reveals, "No, I am your father." This iconic line, often misquoted as "Luke, I am your father," shatters Luke's naïve view of good and evil.


George Lucas kept this twist highly confidential during the production of The Empire Strikes Back. Mark Hamill learned the truth just before filming the pivotal scene, while James Earl Jones, who voiced Vader, kept the secret during his recording sessions.


This twist added dramatic depth, leaving audiences in suspense until Return of the Jedi could resolve whether Vader was more than just an antagonist. Could he be a fallen hero?**


The numbers 1 and 2 have a lot of significance to Vader. As a child, Vader had a 20,000 Midi-Chlorian count (highest count ever), Vader spent 12 minutes in the first release of Star Wars, and 2 billion Alderaan's were destroyed by Vader using Death Star 1.

Groups/Ruck Clubs

Get your custom details

The Details

For this challenge you will complete the following:

2 mile ruck

1 minute plank

20 squats

20 walking lunges (each leg)

1 minute plank

2 mile ruck



The choice is yours. If you're new, start with a lower weight, like 5 to 10 pounds.

New Ruckers:

Cut the challenge in half, completing 1 mile, 30 second plank, 10 squats, 10 walking lunges, and 1 mile.​

Experienced Ruckers:

Complete each mile in under 15 minutes and the entire workout in under an hour or less.

Groups/Ruck Clubs


Make the monthly challenge even more enjoyable by doing it together, as a group or club! It's always more fun when you're sharing the experience with others.

Bulk pricing for group or ruck clubs is available. Check out our FAQs to learn more.

We have special options for group or Ruck Club Leaders. Email us to find out more!

Group/Club Challenge

Group/Ruck Clubs:

Complete all at once or cut the ruck in half and complete in two loops or in two separate rucks. Ruckers can join for a distance they are able to complete and modify as needed.



Options for Everyone



No Fuss Monthly Registration!

Monthly Patch Mailed to You!

Monthly prize drawings!

Groups/Ruck Clubs


Discounted Monthly Registration!*

Monthly Patches Mailed to You for the Group!

Monthly prize drawings!

Single Challenge


June Challenge Registration Fee

June Patch Mailed to You


*Monthly subscription price is based on a minimum number of 12 subscribers from a group or ruck club. Patches are mailed to the group or Ruck Club Leader to hand out (refer to the FAQ section for more information).


Upon registration, you consent to receiving emails about this and other Monthly Ruck Challenges. Rest assured, we won't trade or sell your email or send you spam mail - that's not our style. You can opt-out from this mailing list whenever you like. Subscription fees of $10 for the Monthly Rucking Challenge  will be automatically renewed every month, aligned with your sign-up date. Should you decide to, you're free to terminate your subscription at any point (refer to the FAQ section for more information).



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